My first writing module was a matchmaking module inspired by Jane Austen’s Emma. I knew that a romance plot would require very little difficult scripting, so I could complete it entirely on my own. I wrote over just over 5,000 words and had a great time. Soon, I asked my friends to play it and critique it. Since I wanted to write games with more powerful choices, one friend suggested that I make another module that dealt with matters of life and death.
My next module was about a shipwreck. I made sure to give the player opportunities to kill several people, and had other characters react accordingly. I spent many hours refining this module and I listened carefully to the advice of trusted friends. I wrote and rewrote in order to make my dialog better. This module had around 5,000 words of dialog as well, but it was drastically different from my first module.
After completing the second module, I went back to play the first. It was shocking to see how simple the dialog looked. Every line seemed to be a glaring example of something I had worked so hard to fix in the newer mod. I was so glad to see that I had made an improvement. I haven't decided if it’s worth the time to rewrite that module at this point, but it did teach me a lot. No matter how long you spend on a module, it takes focus and dedication to write good dialog. Not only do you have to write something that sounds natural, but you have to write it so it flows well in response response to each of the many dialog choice the player can select. It is essential to own your characters and think how each situation affects them. Like a good actor, a skilled writer knows their characters’ priorities, motivations, and personalities.
When I began making these modules, I had no idea that game writing was so complicated. However, the challenges that game writing presents are incredibly stimulating for me. I have always loved honing my writing until I find the best way to say something. I enjoy setting high standards for myself and becoming immersed in a fictional world. For the first time in a long time, I found myself forgetting about eating and time flew by. I love this type of writing, and I plan to work had to improve so that I can become a game writer in the future.
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Neverwinter Nights
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