It’s no secret that RPGs are my favorite genre. I have some trusted favorites from the past, but it seems that few RPGs can compare these days. Then I found Mass Effect. This game has been able to pull me in and immerse me in a new universe. The HD graphics look fantastic, from the environments such as presidium in the citadel to the futuristic clothes. I love being immersed in these fantastic environments, even if texture popping prevents me from seeing all the great details immediately. The outfits are a lot of fun, especially since the characters’ appearance changes with new armor. Most of the time, my female Commander Shepherd looked pretty cool in her armor. I once had a good laugh when I realized that the best armor for my krogan companion was a pink and white getup very similar to Ashley’s from the beginning of the game.
My main motivation for playing most RPGs is an epic story. I love watching a complicated plot unravel slowly and sinking my teeth into some rewarding side quests. Mass Effect is clearly focused on the story. I really wanted to explore the cities and talk to everyone, because I felt I could learn a little something from each NPC. The main worlds felt alive and interesting. I’m not sure how the story will play out, but at this point the missions feel very well paced and have great story arcs.
While I have not been very good at shooting games in the past, Mass Effect requires a lot of shooting. I like to think that I’m getting better at it, but the game is structured so that it is accessible for people like me that aren’t as familiar shooters. I could’ve chosen to be a biotic (giving me talents that can do damage without aiming) or could I rely more on my AI-controlled companions. I found that the game was never too difficult for me on normal mode.
I’ve really enjoyed Mass Effect so far. Despite my frustrations with the mako, the fantastic story and effective gameplay are keeping me addicted. I’m looking forward to playing it again soon and getting lost in Mass Effect’s universe.
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